Educator Workshops
Social Media in War and Protest (2025)
Designed as a professional development workshop for community college faculty, this virtual two-day event will challenge educators to analyze the connectedness of the world through social media and the impact of accessibility of information on difficult topics of war and protests. All educators are welcome to attend, not only Community College faculty.

Journeys: Exploring the Complexities of Migration and Its Impacts on Individuals and Our Communities (2024)
Designed as a professional development workshop open to all K-16 school professionals and K-16 education students, this in-person one-day event will challenge educators to internationalize their curricula. The theme of this workshop is migration. Participants will spend the first part of the day on a fieldtrip to non-profits in the KC Metro Area that serve refugees and immigrants. A workshop will follow.

Global Health Through Literature (2023)
Designed as a professional development workshop open to all K-12 school professionals and K-12 education students, this hybrid in-person/virtual one-day event will challenge educators to internationalize their curricula by incorporating one or more lesson plans into their classes, which teach a book on the theme of global health. The lesson plans will also include digital resources and a free copy of each book.

Exploring Post-Pandemic Health Outcomes Cross-Culturally (2023)
Health systems around the world faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. As countries grappled with this once-in-a-century event, public health systems approached care for the mental and physical health of citizens with a variety of strategies. In this workshop, we aim to explore the differences between these approaches across cultures, the lessons learned, and the path(s) forward as we look toward the future.

Liberation, Activism, and the Power of Media (2021)
A professional development workshop for K-12 teachers was organised by the KU Area Studies Centers to explore themes of liberation, activism and the power of the media globally to make connections with current anti-racist movements such as the Black Lives Matter movement. Experts from the Area Studies Centers at the University of Kansas discussed instances where iconic photographs have documented how people around the world continue to valiantly struggle against oppression. This was through examination of case studies from South Africa, Guatemala, China, and Lithuania.
KU Area Studies Centers
Resources [DOC]

Children of Conflict, Children of Peace (2014)