Exploring Post-Pandemic Health Outcomes Cross-Culturally

Virtual Workshop for Community College Educators
March 30 & 31 2023
The KU four area studies centers at the University of Kansas (CEAS, CREES, CLACS, and KASC), in partnership with Johnson County Community College, are pleased to offer a virtual workshop for community college educators.
Health systems around the world faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. As countries grappled with this once-in-a-century event, public health systems approached care for the mental and physical health of citizens with a variety of strategies. In this workshop, we aim to explore the differences between these approaches across cultures, the lessons learned, and the path(s) forward as we look toward the future.
Each workshop will include a 45-minute presentation/Q&A, 15-minute break, and 1 hour for questions/resource discussion. Each day will include a break for lunch. You're welcome to attend all/any sessions. This event is open to community college educators to support them in internationalizing their curricula in a variety of subjects.
Panel recordings coming soon!
Thursday March 30
Session 1 (9:45-11:45am): "Well-being Otherwise: Evidence from Research in Ghanaian settings" with Dr. Annabella Osei-Tutu, University of Ghana.
Break (11:45-12:45)
Session 2 (12:45-2:45pm): "The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Mental Health in Eastern Europe" with Dr. Mugur Geana, KU Journalism & Mass Communications.
Friday March 31
Session 1 (9:45-11:45am): "The COVID-19 Pandemic and Indigenous Communities in Latin America" with Dr. Mugur Geana, KU Journalism & Mass Communications.
Break (11:45-12:45)
Session 2 (12:45-2:45pm): "China’s Unique Pandemic Approach and the Challenge of Understanding Others’ Experience" with Dr. Deborah Seligsohn, Villanova Political Science.