Svistulka/ Свистулька

three bird-shaped svistulka whistles

The svistulka is a traditional vessel-shaped flute or whistle most often ceramic or made of unbaked clay. Many are glazed or decorated on the outside. They can have anywhere from one to four finger holes. Svistulki with higher pitches are also called svistki (свистки), svistuny (свистуны), or dudki (дудки). Though most are in the shape of birds, you can also find svistulki shaped like people, or other animals including horses, cats, and fish.

Svistulki appeared in Rus' as early as the 10th century. They were a minor craft until the late 19th and early 20th century when they rose in independent production, along with other crafts and toys, during a time of growing interest in traditional folk arts and crafts.

In Pagan times, the svistulka was used as a ritual or magical instrument. For example, in some regions, children played the svistulka during rites associated with spring or on days celebrating the ancestors. Today, the svistulka is a children's toy and work of decorative arts.



Old Russian svistulka bird-shaped whistle

Old Russian svistuklka bird from the 13th - 14th century. Rayazan Grand Duchy

old metal and enamel svistulka whistle in the shape of a bird

Metal and enamel svistulka from the Russian Empire, Vladimir Province, Pokrovsky District

woman playing svistulka whistle

Woman playing svistulka. Photo from Russia Beyond "10 Russian folk musical instruments you need to know"


Watch a Clay Svistulka Being Made (Cat-Shaped)

Materials: Clay, sticks, and water

Brief Overview