Thomas W. Volek

- Professor Emeritus - School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Contact Info
1435 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045
Selected Publications —
Volek, T. W., & Thomas, J. (Eds.). (2012). [Other] (Issue 1).
Volek, T. W., & Thomas, J. (Eds.). (2010). [Other] (Issue 1).
Selected Presentations —
Volek, T. (11/30/2015). Several Panels. Conference on Post-Traumatic Stress. Washington, DC.
Volek, T. W. (3/23/2000). Fullbright Scholar Presentations. (In St. Petersburg, Russia, and environs, March 6-23, 2000, funded by USIA, done with David Guth:). St. Petersburg, Russia
Volek, T. W., & Guth, D. W. (3/14/2000 - 3/15/2000). Public Relations. Seminar and Workshop with Leningrad Oblast public information officers -- emphasis on issues surrounding elections and political communications. Conducted at the U.S. Consulate American Center. St. Petersburg, Russia
Volek, T. W. (11/30/1999). Conference on Media Law Reform in West Africa, Invited participant to conference with 65 delegates from 13 West African nations. Delegates included journalists, educators, members of parliaments, judges and ministers. Participated in plenary and breakout sessions on press rights, human rights, building civil societies and practical strategies for building a free press. Sponsored by the Media Foundation for West Africa in Accra, Ghana
Volek, T. W., & Guth, D. W. (3/26/1999). (In St. Petersburg, Russia, and environs, March 13-26, 1999, funded by USIA, done with David Guth:). St. Petersburg, Russia
Volek, T. W., & Basow, R. R. (10/8/1998). (In Croatia, September 27-October 8, 1998, funded by IREX/ProMedia under a USAID grant, with Bob Basow:). Croatia
Volek, T. W., & Basow, R. R. (10/7/1998). Brief presentation on the state of Croatian broadcasting to U.S. Ambassador to Croatia William Montgomery. At the Embassy. Zagreb, Croatia
Volek, T. W. (10/7/1998). One-day seminar to management and sales personnel at TV Moslavina. Presentations included sales promotions and network building, Kutina, Croatia
Volek, T. W. (9/30/1998 - 10/1/1998). Two-day seminar to management and sales personnel at the Varazdin Television Company. Presentations and workshops included IMC and sales promotions, advertising agency basics and building client bases. Varazdin, Croatia
Volek, T. W., Basow, R. R., Herford, P., Markhoff, S., & Newstrom, J. (9/27/1998 - 9/28/1998). Two-day seminar to Croatian Independent Radio Broadcasters and Croatian Independent Television Broadcasters (in plenary and breakout sessions, and individual consulting). Sessions included basics of IMC, sales promotions, audience targeting, programming to audiences and management and collection of debts. With Bob Basow, Peter Herford, Shelly Markhoff and Jon Newstrom of ProMedia. Plitvice, Croatia
Volek, T. W., & Guth, D. W. (6/17/1998). (In St. Petersburg, Russia, and environs, May 29-June 17, 1998, funded by USIA, with David Guth:). St. Petersburg, Russia
Volek, T. W., & Guth, D. W. (6/17/1998). Presentation to administration and faculty of the Vonch Brugevish University (State University of Telecommunications) on public relations curricula and surrounding issues
Volek, T. W., Volek, S. M., & Hasley, B. (6/9/1998 - 6/10/1998). Two-day Public Relations seminar for Leningrad Oblast government officials. Various presentations and hands-on workshops. With Susan M. Volek and Bruce Hasley of SAIC. USIS-St. Petersburg
Volek, T. W., & Guth, D. W. (6/8/1998). Public Relations seminar for Leningrad Oblast government officials and journalists, conducted at oblast government headquarters at Smolny
Volek, T. W., & Guth, D. W. (6/5/1998). Ethics Seminar for journalists at Kirishshy Fakel, a publication house printing four newspapers. Kirishi, Russia
Volek, T. W., Guth, D. W., & Sharogradskaya, A. (6/3/1998 - 6/4/1998). Two-day seminar on interviewing techniques presented to Russian Journalists. Included Sessions on "What you need to know to live in a democracy," "Interviewing Basics I & 2," "Enterprise Reporting," and hands-on interviewing work, including press conferences. With David Guth and Anna Sharogradskaya of NPI
Volek, T. W. (4/18/1998). (At the University of Costa Rica (UCR) in San Jose, Costa Rica, April 14-18, 1998, funded by the UCR, USIA, and the WAW School:). San Jose, Costa Rica
Volek, T. W. (1/1/1997 - 6/30/1997). Fulbright Fellowship Presentations
Five-month appointment to the Journalism Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Taught two, 12-class-meeting advertising courses and one 10-class-meeting law course. Taught eight other class periods in various courses on such topics as American journalism, American broadcasting, newspaper design and reporting and ethics. Also researched and presented a paper titled, "The Evolving Newspaper Press in Russia and its Changing Relationship with Russian Society," listed below. St. Petersburg, Russia
Volek, T. W., Volek, S. M., & Hasley, B. (6/5/1997 - 6/6/1997). Public Relations Training For Northwest Russian Local Administrations. USIS-sponsored, two-day practical workshop for 20 Leningrad Oblast public relations officers exploring real-world PR issues and practice from local government perspective. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). San Diego, CA
Volek, T. W. (2/25/1997 - 2/26/1997). Journalism Ethics. USIS-sponsored, two-day workshop for 15 professional Russian journalists exploring real-world ethical issues and cases. Done with RAPIC
Volek, T. W. (4/30/1996). Professionalizing Kyrgyz Media. USIA invited and funded project had two objectives. First, USIA invited author to participate in first National Media Conference in Kyrgyzstan, sponsored by Kyrgyz National State University. Gave two papers, participated in discussions. Second, author consulted with numerous media outlets (newspapers, magazines, radio and television companies) to assist them in democratization and to report on the state of the media to USIS/USIA. Spent two weeks in Bishkek and Osh, Kyrgyzstan and environs
Volek, T. W. (2/28/1992). Freedom Forum Technology Seminar, invited participant, four day seminar, Freedom Forum Media Studies Center. New York City
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Program to teach journalism ethics and international journalism at Kaliningrad State University and to work with the Union of Journalists in St. Petersburg, Russia. U.S. Department of State. $15309.00. (5/1/2005 - 6/30/2005). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to teach journalism practice in democratic societies to Chelyabinsk State University and to research Russian media in Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg, Russia. U. S. Department of State. $15300.00. (10/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to teach Journalism at Petrozavodsk State University and Media Law at the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - Northern Branch in Petrozavodsk. U. S. Department of State. $12073.00. (3/31/2004). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to teach journalism ethics and practice at Vologda State University. U. S. Department of State. $13319.00. (9/1/2003 - 10/31/2003). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to research Russian media and teach journalism at Petrozavodsk State University. U. S. Department of State. $14434.00. (9/1/2002 - 10/31/2002). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to research Russian media and teach journalism at Vologda State University. U. S. Department of State. $10648.00. (3/31/2002). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to teach Journalism at Kaliningrad State University. U.S. Department of State. $11475.00. (9/1/2001 - 10/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to work with Northwest Russian Journalism Schools in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. U.S. Department of State. $5265.00. (3/31/2001). Federal. Status: Funded. U.S. Dept. of State-invited and funded project.
Program to Work with Northwest Russia Government Ministers and Press Officers, and Journalists. USIA. $6000.00. (3/31/2000). Federal. Status: Funded. USIA-invited and funded project.
Program to Work with Leningrad Oblast Press Officers and Journalists. USIA. $4500.00. (3/31/1999). Federal. Status: Funded. USIA-invited and funded project.
Program to work with Croatian Independent Television and Radio Broadcasters. USAID. $6500.00. (9/1/1998 - 10/31/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. IREX-ProMedia-invited and funded project (under USAID grant).
Program to Work with Russian Journalists, Marketing Professionals and Oblast Press Officers. USIA. $4600.00. (5/1/1998 - 6/30/1998). Federal. Status: Funded. USIA-invited and funded project.
University of Costa Rica School of Mass Communication Sciences 30th Anniversary Conference. UCR, USIA, KU Office of International Studies and the WAW School. $4000.00. (4/30/1998). Status: Funded. Invited by UCR Journalism Faculty. (Note mix of KU funding and external funding.)
Fulbright Fellowship. $30000.00. (1/1/1997 - 6/30/1997). Federal. Status: Funded
Fulbright Scholar. (1/1/1997 - 6/30/1997). Federal. Status: Funded. J.William Fulbright scholar attached to St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Journalism, St. Petersburg, Russia. List of activities under "Invited Presentations."
Freedom Support Act Fellowship Program. USIA. $88000.00. (1/1/1995 - 12/31/1997). Federal. Status: Funded. Written with Terry Weidner.
Professionalizing Kyrgyz Media. USIA. $2200.00. (4/30/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. USIA-invited and funded project.
Freedom Support Act Fellowship Program. USIA. $88000.00. (1/1/1994 - 12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. Written with Terry Weidner.
Program to Establish an Advertising and Public Relations Curriculum at Kyrgyz Technical University. USIA. $75313.00. (1/1/1995 - 12/31/1996). Federal. Status: Funded. Written with Terry Weidner.
Professionalizing the Korean Media. USIA. $142874.00. (1/1/1994 - 12/31/1995). Federal. Status: Funded. Written with Terry Weidner.
Program to Further Develop an Independent Media Center in Kyrgyzstan and to Establish an Advertising and Public Relations Curriculum in Kyrgyzstan. Eurasia Foundation. $54712.00. (12/31/1995). Foundation. Status: Funded. Written with Terry Weidner.
University of Kansas Training Program in Entrepreneurial Journalism in Kyrgyzstan. USIA. $58876.00. (1/1/1994 - 12/31/1995). Federal. Status: Funded. Written with Terry Weidner.
Training Program for Russian Business and Economic Journalists. USAID funded through the National Forum Foundation, Washington, D.C.. $33000.00. (12/31/1994). Federal. Status: Funded
Examining the Implications of Shifts in Telecommunications Policy on Communications in the Business World. University of Kansas. (12/31/1993). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded. Faculty Research Grant. Study of the Union Pacific Railroad and the impact of deregulation on its telecommunications systems. Used by WAW School in developing the IMC program at the Regents Center.
A History of Videotape Recording Technology. University of Kansas. (12/31/1990). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded. Examination of history and social use of the technology. Produced paper "Forces Acting on the Development of Videotape Recording," presented at the 25th annual Popular Culture Association conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 12-15, 1995.
Bridging the Gap: Military and the Media. McCormick Foundation. $395000.00. Foundation. Status: Funded. Developed and currently administering program "Bridging the Gap: Military and the Media" with the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., with Co-Investigator Barbara Barnett. Project includes integrated course of Army majors and KU students, week-long “boot camp” for mid-career journalists at Ft. Leavenworth, and pilot journal publication examining media and the military issues. Original $50,000 one-year program renewed for two years; renewed for two more years at $200,000. Recently renewed for one year at $45,000 Total grant: $395,000.