Alexander C. Diener

- Professor of Geography
- Associate Chair
Contact Info
Biography —
Throughout his career Alex has worked at the nexus of political, social, economic, and cultural geography, engaging topics such as geopolitics and borders, identity and migration, citizenship, development and mobility, and urban landscape change. He possesses area studies expertise in Central Eurasia (the Central Asian states, Russian Borderlands, Islamic Borderlands) and Northeast Asia (Mongolia, Chinese and Russian Borderlands). He has authored or co-authored three books, co-edited four books, and published in a variety of disciplinary, thematic, and area-studies academic journals. Over the course of his career Alex has garnered a number of teaching accolades including the 2006 SSRC Teaching Fellowship. Alex founded the undergraduate research journal Global Tides at Pepperdine University and has served as a board member for several international academic organizations and granting agencies. In 2015, he held a Title VIII Short Term Fellowship at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars and was named Senior Fellow in Eurasian Studies at the Davis Center of Harvard University (2015-2016).
Education —
Research —
Research interests:
- Political Geography
- Social Geography
- Cultural Geography
- International Relations
- Geographic and Social Theory
- Urban Geography
- Economic Geography
- Geopolitics
- Cultural Geography
- Historical Geography
- Peace Studies
- Development Studies
- Central Eurasia
- Northeast Asia
- Central Asian States
- Mongolia
- Islamic Borderlands
- Russian Borderlands
- Border Studies
- Geographies of Nationalism & Transnationalism
- Mobilities and Immobilities
- Migration
- Citizenship
- Geopolitics
- Geographies of Islam
- Processes and Consequences of Territorialization
- Urban Landscape Change
- Justice, Ethics, and Geographies of Belonging
- Religion and State Relations
- Place Attachment
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Political Geography
- Cultural Geography
- Social Geography
- Economic Geography
- Urban Geography
- Geopolitics
- International Relations
- Geographies of Islam
- Social Theory
- Border Studies
- Peace Studies
- Transnationalism and Diaspora Studies
- Central Asia
- Mongolia
- Russian Borderlands
- Chinese Borderlands
Selected Publications —
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen (eds.) Invisible Borders: Geographies of Power, Mobility, and Belonging (Routledge Publishers 2022).
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen (eds.) Geographies of Place Attachment Special Issue of Geographical Review (v. 112 no.1 2022) pp.1-186.
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen “The Power of Place in Place Attachment” Geographical Review (v.112 no.1, 2022) pp. 1-5.
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen “Geographies of Place Attachment: A Place-Based Model of Materiality, Performance, and Narration” Geographical Review (v.112 no.1, 2022) pp. 1171-186.
Diener, Alexander C. “Multi-Scalar Territorialization in Kazakhstan’s Northern Borderland” Geographical Review (v.112 no.1, 2022) pp.125-146.
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen “Geographies of Visibility and Invisibility as Modalities of Spatial Control” in A. Diener and J. Hagen Invisible Borders in a Bordered World (London: Routledge Publishers in press 2022).
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen “Hidden Geographies: Power, Mobility, and Belonging into the Twenty-first Century” in A. Diener and J. Hagen Invisible Borders in a Bordered World (London: Routledge Publishers in press 2022).
Diener, Alexander C. and Nick Solly Megoran “Central Asia as Place” in David Montgomery (ed.) Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding. (Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press 2022) pp.36-51.
Diener, Alexander C. and Joshua Hagen “Bordering the South China Sea: Maritime Claims, Contested Sovereignty, and Novel Territorialities” in A. Diener and J. Hagen Invisible Borders in a Bordered World (London: Routledge Publishers in press 2022).
Diener, Alexander C. and Vincent Artman “Borders, Boundaries, and Identity in Central Asia” in Erica Marat and Rico Issacs (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Central Asia (London: Routledge Press 2022) pp.135-153.
Diener, Alexander C. and Vincent Artman “U.S. Soft Power in Central Asia” in Kirill Nourzhanov and Sébastien Peyrouse (eds.) Central Asia in Context (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield 2022) pp. 27-56.
Diener, Alexander C., Andrew Grant, and Mia Bennett “Northeast Asian in Regional Perspective” Asian Geographer (v.38 no. 2, 2021) pp. 95-118.
Diener, Alexander C., Andrew Grant, and Mia Bennett (eds.) Northeast Asia in Geographical Perspective Special Issue of Asian Geographer (v.38 no.2, 2021) pp. 95-217.
Selected Presentations —
Diener, Alexander C. University of Mississippi, Croft Institute for International Studies, 13 April 2022, Bordering the 21st Century
Diener, Alexander C. University of Kansas, Department of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences, Colloquium 28 January 2022 Graduate Education and Early Career Goals
Diener, Alexander C. Macalester College, Regional Geographical Guest Lecture, 10 November 2021 Central Asia as Geographical Imaginary
Diener, Alexander C. Geography and ATMO Dept. Colloquium Series, University of Kansas, September 2020 The Multi-Dimensionality of Place Attachment and Place Making
Diener, Alexander C. Silk Road Symposium: University of Kansas, September 2020 Highways in the Steppe: Intended and Unintended Consequences of Axial Development in Mongolia
Diener, Alexander C. Hall Center/Center for Migration Research, University of Kansas, September 2020 The Meaning of Somewhere: Place Attachments and the Geographies of Being
Diener, Alexander C. Geography and ATMO Dept. Colloquium Series, University of Kansas, December 2019 Highways in the Steppe: Intended and Unintended Consequences of Axial Development in Mongolia
Diener, Alexander C. American Geographical Society, Geography 2050, Borders in a Borderless World, 2019 Filtering Mobility: The Normative Value of Borders (November 2019)
Diener, Alexander C. CREES Brownbag Series, University of Kansas Central Asia as Geographic Imaginary (September 2019)
Diener, A. C. (11/30/2019). Five Keys to Success in Graduate School. Deans Lecture Series Northern State University. Aberdeen SD
Diener, A. C. (11/30/2019). Kazakhstani Identity in Formation. Aberdeen SD
Diener, A. C. (11/30/2019). Roads on the Steppe: Mongolia's New Highways. Deans Guest Lecture Series Northern State University. Aberdeen SD
Diener, A. C. (3/29/2019 - 3/29/2019). Mongolia's First Highways. Global Opportunties Expo. Lawrence KS
Diener, A. C. (10/31/2018). Geopolitics of Spectacle. Central Eurasian Studies Society. Pittsburg PA
Diener, A. C. (9/30/2018). Theorizing Multi-Scalar Territorialization. Great Plains Rocky Mountain American Association of Geographers Regional Meeting. Manhattan KS
Diener, A. C. (4/30/2018). Borders as a Technology of Social Control. American Association of Geographers. New Orleans
Diener, A. C. (4/30/2018). Where is Kazakhstani identity Most Prevalent?. Political Geography Pre-Conference of American Association of Geographers. New Orleans
Diener, A. C. (10/31/2017). Civic Nationalism in Kazakhstan: Results from 2017 Fieldwork. Central Eurasian Studies Society. Seattle, WA
Diener, A. C. (9/1/2017 - 9/30/2017). New Silk Roads and the Emergent Socio-Economic Geographies of Mongolia and Kazakhstan. 5th Biennial Asia Conference. University of Texas at Austin
Diener, A. C. (9/1/2017 - 9/30/2017). New Silk Roads and the Emergent Socio-Economic Geographies of Mongolia and Kazakhstan. 5th Biennial Asia Conference. University of Texas at Austin
Diener, A. C. (4/1/2017 - 4/30/2017). Kazakhstan's Changing Economic Geographies: Intra-State Migration and Axial Development Strategies. Political Geography Pre-Conference of AAG. Boston
Diener, A. C. (4/30/2017). Negotiating the Nation in Urban Landscape: Bishkek and Ulaanbaatar. Radcliffe International Workshop Series. Boston
Diener, A. C. (4/30/2017). New Roads for Mongolia: Axial Development and New Silk Roads. American Association of Geographers. Boston
Diener, A. C. (2/1/2017 - 2/28/2017). New Roads for Mongolia. Center for East Asian Studies Tea and Talk Series
Diener, A. C. (7/1/2016 - 7/31/2016). Border Theory. Border Studies Summer Workshop. Hokkaido University
Diener, A. C. (7/1/2016 - 7/31/2016). Borders Ethics and Place Making. Borders Studies Summer Workshop. Hokkaido University
Diener, A. C. (5/1/2016 - 5/31/2016). Rescaling Citizenship. Oxford Handbook on Citizenship Authors' Conference. Florence Italy
Diener, A. C. (3/31/2016). The Millennium Highway and Eurasian Development Frontiers. Monumentality of Roads. Harvard University
Diener, A. C. (12/31/2016). China's New Silk Road Policy and Central Asia. AAG 2016. San Fransisco
Diener, A. C. (12/31/2016). Critical Considerations of the Post Post Soviet Era. AAG 2016. San Fransisco
Diener, A. C. (12/31/2016). If I knew then what I know now... Towards Acquisition of Research Funding. AAG 2016. San Fransisco
Diener, A. C. (12/31/2016). Mongolia's Millennium Highway as Microcosm of Eurasia's New Silk Roads. AAG 2016. San Fransisco
Diener, A. C. (11/1/2015 - 11/30/2015). Mongolian Mobilties and Eurasia's New Silk Roads. University of Connecticut. University of Connecticut Department of Geography
Diener, A. C. (10/16/2015). Parsing Mobilities in Central Eurasia: Border Management and the New Silk Roads. Central Eurasian Studies Society Annual Meeting 2015. Washington DC
Diener, A. C. (4/1/2015 - 4/30/2015). Border Issues in Asia. Association of American Geographers. Chicago IL
Diener, A. C. (4/1/2015 - 4/30/2015). Place Attachment: Toward a Geographic Theory of Hybridity. Association of American Geographers. Chicago IL
Diener, A. C. (4/1/2015 - 4/30/2015). Surveying Border Studies. Association of Borderland Studies. Portland, OR
Diener, A. C. (1/1/2015 - 12/31/2015). Debating the Doctrine of National Unity: Nationalization Trajectories in Kazakhstan. International Studies Association. New Orleans, LA
Diener, A. C. (11/21/2014). Kazakhstan or Kazakhstani-stan: Elements of Ethnic and Civic Nationalism in State Ideology. ASEEES Annual Conference. San Antonio Texas
Diener, A. C. (10/20/2014). Imagining Kazakhstani-stan. Central Eurasian Studies Society. Columbia University
Diener, A. C. (10/27/2014). Kazakhstani Titular Nationalism. Invited Lecture at Department of Geography OSU. Oklahoma State University
Diener, A. C. (6/12/2014 - 6/13/2014). Imagining Kazakhstani-stan. Kazakhstan Beyond Economic Success: Exploring Social and Cultural Changes in Eurasia A Conference organized by The George Washington University’s Central Asia Program (CAP) and the Uppsala Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (UCRS), and funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) Uppsala University, Sweden June 13-14, 2014. Uppsala Sweden
Diener, A. C. (4/30/2014). Central Asian Politics: Power, Peoples, and Place. University of Kansas. Lawrence KS
Diener, A. C. (4/30/2014). Kyrgyzstan or Kyrgyzstani-stan: Narrating the-Nation in the Landscape of Bishkek. Association of American Geographers Conference. Tampa FL 2014
Diener, A. C. (2/28/2014). Geographical Perspectives on the New Silk Road. Central Asian Security Workshop, George Washington University. Washington DC
Diener, A. C. (11/17/2013). Border Studies: A Short Introduction. Guest Lecturer, University of Denver (Department of Geography). Denver, CO
Diener, A. C. (11/17/2013). The New Silk Road or the Road to Nowhere? Mobilities and Immobilities in Central Eurasia. Guest Lecturer, University of Denver (Department of Geography). Denver, CO
Diener, A. C. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013). Contrasting Ulaanbaatar’s Landscapes of Traditionalism, Socialism, and Globalism: Negotiating Sustainable Hybridity in Post-Socialist Mongolia. Regional Studies Conference. UCLA
Diener, A. C. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013). Geopolitical Imaginaries of Eurasian Space. Central Eurasian Studies Society Annual Conference. Madison, WI
Diener, A. C. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013). Russian Repositioning: Mobilities and the Eurasian Regional Concept. Association of American Geographers Conference. Los Angeles
Diener, A. C. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013). Social Consequences of Mixed Migration in Eurasia. A Noah’s Ark of Nations: Eurasian Demographics and Migration:Bureau of Intelligence and Research U.S. Department of State. Washington DC
Diener, A. C. (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013). Urban Landscape Change as a Means of Sustaining Population. Sustainable Development in Russian Cities: Russian Geographical Society. Samara, Russia
Diener, A. C. (11/1/2012). City of Concrete and Felt: Negotiating Cultural Hybridity in Mongolia’s Capital of Ulaanbaatar. Guest Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison (CREECA and Asian Studies). Madison, WI
Diener, A. C. (9/4/2012). The New Silk Road Project. Guest Lecturer, University of Kansas, CREES Brownbag Lunch Series. Lawrence, KS.
Diener, A. C. (2/22/2012). Geographies of Disability in Central Asia. Guest Lecturer, American University of Central Asia. Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Diener, A. C. (12/31/2012). City of Concrete and Felt: Negotiating Cultural Hybridity in Mongolia's Capital of Ulaan Baatar. ASEEES Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Service —
Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Center for East Asian Studies
Center for Migration Research
Environmental Studies Program